TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I spent an hour or so online in the car friday on my way to
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Subject I spent an hour or so online in the car friday on my way to
Posted by AshsZ (Fab Whore, Ph.D) on June 17, 2002 at 10:07 PM
  This message has been viewed 59 times.
In Reply To I guess fresh air is nice at times :) Do you still posted by boileralum00 on June 17, 2002 at 09:58 PM
Message Orlando with my wife driving the Z. Chatted on AIM a little, read some messages here and there.. Checked email.. Checked the weather for the GPS system and checked for any detours on our route. The GPS software is pretty slick, it will reroute you if it finds detours or really bad weather on your trip, but you gotta have an inet connection.

Its a really useful tool to have the wireless connection.. I just cant wait until 3G becomes more readily available.

: have the data connection with your phone, or did that turn out to be a gee-whiz/ not really practical adventure?

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